Transplanting and Planting
Most people consider planting a tree hard work but not a technically difficult job. Planting a tree or shrub is hard work, but planting it as if it grew from a seed can be very difficult. A recent studies have shows that 80% of all woody plants are planted incorrectly. When planting and transplanting, it is important to consider a plants sun light, soil, and space requirements. As a matter of fact, the most important thing you can do for a tree, throughout its entire life, is to plant it properly. We receive many calls about trees that are dying due to improper planting. A large portion of our pruning jobs are on trees and shrubs that have over grown their space. Do you have a tree that was planted too close to your house or one that prefer somewhere else? Are you moving and wish to take a special plant with you? Are you building a garage or addition in the same spot currently occupied by an established woody plant? We transplant large and small trees and shrubs. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please call us today (828) 280-4584.